Sunday, 17 May 2009

Last week at the allotment

As I said last weekend, I was longing to go straight back up to the allotment on Monday but had other commitments so at 8 o clock in the evening, when they should have been safely tucked up in their beds, this is what the poor little Lockets were doing:

They were rewarded with hot chocolate with squirty cream - and a very nicely dug bed!

And then we raced home in a vain attempt to get them in to bed before 9pm.

I then managed to pop up on Wednesday afternoon after my morning at work and got very sunburnt while planting some beans and sweetcorn.

And now we are completely exhausted after spending most of the weekend on the plot- about 5 hours yesterday and 6 today.

The children now have a pretty little wall basket on their shed and I managed to put some very wonky ones on the "grown up" shed - I wonder how long it will be before someone points out how wonky they are?!

Daisy in particular did a great job digging over and manuring the new bed by the children's shed and we also started to reclaim this bed which has been walked over for the last 7 months

- the children had great fun sawing loads of posts for the raised borders - in fact we couldn't get them to stop and now have rather more posts than we actually need!

And I managed to get this bed dug and manured and planted up with leeks, purple sprouting broccoli and red cabbage.

Time for a nice bath and a glass of wine I reckon!

So here's my usual "leaving the allotment at the end of a long day" shot - I wonder if it's possible to notice any changes over the last few posts?


  1. I think you need to take a sleeping bag and just sleep there lol... It's looking really great --
    lisa x

  2. Lordy! you are making me feel very lazy! I did go to the lotment yesterday, not for long, only to find that ALL my garlic has rotted! Nobody else's have (i have garlic envy now) ... don't know what happened it was doing so well ... :(

  3. looking good - all your hard work is certainly paying off

  4. Oh, you and the little Lockets have been working so hard Lucy. I predict you'll have a gorgeous garden this summer!
